Pitch to BlueJay for our Fall 2025 Season!

Be a part of BlueJay’s next season by pitching a play for us to produce. Whether you’re pitching with a full team or you just have a relatable play in mind, we want to hear about it!

Step 1: Review our Mission Statement and Pitch Packet

BlueJay’s mission and pitch packet should be re-read prior to any pitches being submitted. Please go ahead and familiarize yourself with these materials before you get to step 2.

Step 2: Fill out the Pitch Form

Pitches will close at 11:59pm EST on November 29th, 2024. Incomplete pitches will not be accepted without prior approval from BlueJay.


As of this year we’re excited to allow student written work! Please ensure that any student written work is a complete draft rather than a concept.

Yes! As long as the show is able to be licensed to perform, in the public domain, or you have permission for it to be performed, you can pitch the show to us.

You don’t have to be the director listed on the form. You can definitely pitch with a director, or choose to self direct, but you don’t need to be the person directing the show. BlueJay will work with you to assemble a team whenever possible.

No worries! We’re a member of the Student Theatre Alliance at Emerson, so we’ll all be in touch about the pitches that we receive. If you feel that your show would be a good fit for other organizations, you should absolutely pitch to them. We absolutely won’t penalize any submissions that pitch to multiple organizations.

We’re here to answer them! Just send an email to bluejay@emerson.edu and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions that you have.